Men: You Can Cry Too

3. Crying is Acceptable. 

Even guys that are accepting of other men when they cry are often not very embracing of themselves. We all tend to be harder on ourselves than we are on others, but crying really is acceptable. Try accepting it for yourself.

Gentlemen, here’s the bottom line: Crying is not only ok, but it’s also healthy. We need to encourage a culture of safety in our society, not so that men are crying over their team losing or a bad haircut, but so that men are allowed to express serious emotional pain in this way. To my male friends, you don’t always have to be the strong one. During times of need, allow others to take on that role. Most importantly, allow Jesus to bear your burdens as He calls the weary to Himself. Cry out to Him today.


This piece originally appeared at, published with permission.

Dr. Laurel Shaler
Dr. Laurel Shaler
Dr. Laurel Shaler is the author of author of "Reclaiming Sanity: Hope and Healing, for Trauma, Stress, and Overwhelming Life Events. She is a Licensed Social Worker and National Certified Counselor employed by Liberty University as a professor and department chair in the Department of Counselor Education and Family Studies. She is a former psychotherapist with the Department of Veterans Affairs, where she specialized in the treatment of trauma and anger. Dr. Shaler loves the Lord and seeks to help people at the intersection of faith, culture, and emotional well-being. You can learn more at her website or find her on Facebook or Twitter @DrLaurelShaler.

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