How to Ruin Your Relationship With Your Teenager

It’s not by refusing to buy the latest greatest something or keeping your child home from the party/concert/date…

One evening my sons came home with the same exclamation, “It’s amazing how many kids hate their parents!” We talked for an hour or so ascertaining WHY and I’ve interviewed several teenagers over the last few months for further clarity.

The good news: most teenagers are very forgiving of parental missteps; they recognize their own faults and readily forgive others. Even better, in a healthy relationship, teenagers love you for who you are. Yes, they might act embarrassed when you hug them in front of their friends or even drop them off in front of the high school. But they really don’t care if you’re overweight, frumpy or wear outdated clothes (actually they’re much more disturbed when adults try to appear too hip or young).

Michelle Lehnardt
Michelle Lehnardt
I’m the kind of mom who drives through mud puddles, throws pumpkins off the roof and lets the kids move the ping-pong table into the kitchen for the summer. Despite (or probably, because of) my immaturity, my five sons and one daughter are happy, thriving, funny people. I’ll climb a mountain with you, jump into a freezing lake hand-in-hand or just sit with you while you cry. Founder of and

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