Lauren Morgan

Hi y’all, I’m Lauren and it’s so nice to meet you. I blog at Adventures of Jack and Me where I share our story, a lot about hope, and some nutrition here and there. I’m a Knoxville girl through and through. I was born here, went to school here, and graduated from the University of Tennessee. My husband’s Tommy. We have 2 boys -- one here with us and one in Heaven. Our two year old, Jack, is our fun and joy day in and day out. Our second son passed away from Trisomy 18, a fatal chromosomal syndrome. I've written a lot about our journey with T18 and infant loss on my blog. Some of my favorite things are :: adventures with my family, connecting with people, spreading awareness and helping others deal with infant loss, anything that involves my handsome husband and my squishy-cheeked boy, cool fall days, DIYing it, and a great pair of boots.

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