Wendy Holtz is a Midwestern writer, teacher and speaker, mother of five, and
exceedingly grateful recipient of God's grace. A self-described "reclusive extrovert,"
Wendy adores people and parties and the happy chaos she calls home, but frequently
and desperately seeks the stillness, nearness, and fullness of God in and through
scripture, nature and artistic endeavors. A graduate of the Medill School of Journalism
at Northwestern University, Holtz worked in advertising before taking a 20-year mommy
sabbatical to raise five extraordinary human beings (and do approximately 9,437 loads
of laundry). Over the years, Holtz has taught a variety of Christian education classes
and Bible studies, mentored some remarkable young women, and facilitated dozens of
interactive marriage workshops with her husband and soulmate, Steve. Holtz is the
author of Treasure Hunter: A Field Guide for 12 Spiritual Expeditions and the
keynote speaker for Treasure Hunter retreats and day trip expeditions. In her writing
and teaching, Holtz passionately conveys her mission and message, taken from
Psalm 16: In God's presence, there is fullness of joy.
You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter... or read her blog here: