Time With God Can Lead to a Willing Heart

Time With God Can Lead to a Willing Heart

Whatever God is asking us to do, wherever he is calling us to go: what would our lives look like if we started each day with this thought:

“God, If YOU Lead, I WILL.”

It’s so simple, yet life altering. We limit what we think He can do because we focus on our own weaknesses, inadequacies, or limitations. What if it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Obedience?

It’s not about who we are; it’s about who HE is. Every time in my life God has asked me to step out in faith—to do something for His kingdom—He has come through.

Every. Single. Time.

Can you do something for yourself? Right now, as you begin this week, will you humble your heart? Whether you need to physically bow your head, lift your hands in surrender or pray on your knees to show a posture of reverence, will you ask him to show you His desires? His will?

Nicole Wiencek
Nicole Wiencekhttps://resources.churchleaders.com/shop/the-study-of-joseph/
Nicole Wiencek is a popular woman’s speaker and pastor’s wife raising her three children (“world changers”) for God’s Kingdom. She is currently helping her husband with a church revitalization in Colorado Springs, CO.

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