When in Doubt, Use the Gentle Cycle

My daughter sent me this text last summer when she was doing laundry at her nannying job and needed a refresher course.

I told her, “Yes…when in doubt, use the delicate cycle.”

I thought about how sometimes it’s also called the “gentle” cycle, which made me think that more than laundry applies here, especially in these days when so much of life feel rough-edged.

My daughter sent me this text last summer when she was doing laundry at her nannying job and needed a refresher course….

Posted by Guilty Chocoholic Mama on Thursday, April 30, 2020

When in doubt about lots of things, use the gentle cycle.

When in doubt, be gentle with others (especially with the “others” you’ve been quarantined with for weeks on end).

When in doubt, be gentle with yourself.

Elizabeth Spencer
Elizabeth Spencerhttp://guiltychocoholicmama.blogspot.com
Elizabeth Spencer is mom to two daughters (one teen and one young adult) who regularly dispense love, affection, and brutally honest fashion advice. She writes about faith, food, and family (with some occasional funny thrown in) at Guilty Chocoholic Mama  and avoids working on her 100-year-old farmhouse by spending time on Facebook and Twitter.

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