To Daughters Everywhere, From One of the Motherless Moms

I didn’t fully appreciate those times my mother and I went shopping, saw a movie or even talked on the telephone for hours on end. At times I even complained- complained that she wanted to sniff every Estee Lauder sample, try on one more pair of shoes, order dessert or tell me, in detail, how they removed that mole on her shoulder. I was busy. I had other things to do. I needed to get home and empty the dishwasher or feed the dogs or watch a television show. I didn’t always cling to those moments with my sweet mama.

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My daughter is ten. I think I’ll ask if she wants to go shopping and spend some quality time together this weekend. She may drag behind me, bored to tears and wishing she could get home to her iPod, but one day she’ll appreciate and think fondly of the time we shared.

Cherish your mothers. Cherish the errands and meals and telephone calls. Let her tell you that same story again. Let her run into one more store. Let her do what she wants as long as you can do it with her. Some motherless girl is watching you− coveting your relationship and that beautiful gift you have at your side.

All she has now are memories.

Susannah B. Lewis
Susannah B. Lewis
Susannah B. Lewis is a humorist, blogger for Whoa! Susannah, and freelance writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications. The author of Can’t Make This Stuff Up!, Lewis studied creative writing at Jackson State Community College and earned her bachelor's degree in business management from Bethel College. She lives in Medina, Tennessee, with her husband, Jason, their three children, and three dogs. Her latest book, How May I Offend You Today?: Rants and Revelations from a Not-So-Proper Southern Lady, releases nationwide October 20 , 2020.

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