Dear Tired Momma With Little Ones

Dear tired Momma with little ones,

I see you out there trying so hard to do the right things for your kids and feeling like you are getting little return on investment. I see you struggling to figure out how to manage all of the hats you have to wear.  I have been in the same bathroom – hiding from the same little fingers that are poking in from under the door wanting the last piece of me that I don’t know if I have the strength to give them – wanting only to finish the cup of coffee that I’ve reheated 4 times and it’s only 9am.

I see you,

  • Panicked Momma. Locked out of your car, in a snowstorm, with your kids buckled inside, and cell phone on the front seat.
  • Frustrated Momma. Unsure of whether or not to ditch your shopping cart in the middle of the store with your screaming child (or children if you’re lucky) or check out with all of the groceries you struggled to fill as you chased them around the aisles.
  • Worried Momma. Your sweet little one so sick and feeling helpless as you wait out the night.
  • Exhausted Momma. You’ve given of yourself all day long.
  • Hard Working Momma. Keeping your house clean is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. It seems impossible.

I get it girl. I have been where you are.

Shyla Rohrer
Shyla Rohrer
Hey there! I’m Shyla. I have been married to my husband for 13 years, and we had 4 kids in 5 years! (I saw that eye roll!) Jackson, Owen, Oliva and Judah are our greatest blessings. I love Jesus, tacos, red lipstick and all things Black and white. I am the designer behind Bedeckle – Hand Lettered Accessories for yourself and your home. I believe we were created to create – so in my spare time you can find me creating – whether for my shop, our home, for others or now my blog. I want what I do to bring encouragement and meaningful beauty to those around me! You can find me at my blog,, Instagram, and Facebook

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