Mama, Be The Light

Isn’t that why we’re here on this spinning blue ball? As Light-bearers and ambassadors of LOVE to help illuminate the way for others? To journey together, in relationship, and enjoy this grand gift of life?

When our kids are little they take on this role like little bosses. Light and love define their existence. Maybe because their limited experience isn’t tainted enough. They haven’t faced hardship and brokenness, so not much to hide.

Although I didn’t believe this until forever, we don’t have to have it all together, be pain-free, or present as porcelain containers free of any scar or blemish to radiate a transformative glow. God created Light to shine through the darkness. Light bends through all kinds of brokenness. And love is always the source.

May we all find the courage, resolve, and strength to be both light bearers and love ambassadors by wearing a wardrobe of transparency so the truth of who we are can bring life-giving hope and healing to the world around us.

Shine on, friends. Be the light.

Shelby Spear
Shelby Spear
Shelby is a sappy soul whisperer, sarcasm aficionado, and pro-LOVE, Jesus adoring mom of 3 Millennials writing stuff & doing life with her hubby of 25 years. You can read her stories on her blog at, around the web, and in print at Guideposts. Shelby's new book, co-authored with Lisa Leshaw, is now available: How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, "I'm fine.")

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