The New American Dream That’s Hurting Your Kids

And the same is true for our kids. We must exchange what the world says is best for them with what God says is best for all of us—himself, his calling, and the works he created in advance for us to do. Only in his presence can we—and our kids—can find fullness of joy (Ps. 16:11).

Here’s the real kicker—the counterintuitive truth that will revolutionize both our families and our kids’ futures: When we forego what our culture deems best and instead chase God’s best, it is in fact our kids’ best. When we serve God and not our children, our children actually benefit.

It’s good for our children to be dethroned and for God to be enthroned. It’s good for a child to miss out on piano lessons because her family has chosen to save up for an adoption. It’s good for a child to forego the best school because a family has chosen to settle into a neighborhood where they might shine a bright light. It’s good for kids to miss summer camp to go on a mission trip. It’s good for children to miss out on all kinds of “bests” in order for families to participate in kingdom-minded activities that glorify God and not our kids.

Fellow parents, let’s live for a bigger kingdom than the one inside our own homes. In the end, it’s what’s best for our kids.


This article originally appeared at The Gospel Coalition.

Jennifer Oshman
Jennifer Oshman
Jen Oshman is a wife and mom to four daughters and has served as a missionary for 17 years on three continents. She currently resides in Colorado where she and her husband serve with, and she encourages her church-planting husband at Her passion is leading women into a deeper faith and fostering a biblical worldview. She writes about that at

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