‘My Babies Could Have Died’—Harrowing Video Shows Anchored Ikea Bookshelf Crashing Onto Twins

When it comes to purchasing Ikea furniture, it’s safe to say there’s an unspoken message of “buyer beware.”

Buyer beware of the million pieces you’ll have to navigate in this box. Buyer beware of the marital problems that may come from assembly of this furniture. Buyer beware of the cheap price, as it’s reflected in cheap materials. For Nicole Oka, the message was buyer beware: this furniture may fall over and crush small children.

It’s a hazard that has killed at least 10 kids, and one that Nicole was terrified of while decorating her twins’ bedroom in 2017.

“I remember being so afraid of this happening,” she told USA Today. “It felt like a very real thing that could happen to me.”

After picking out a tall Ikea bookshelf, Nicole and her husband used the included hardware to anchor it to the wall—as suggested by the instructions.

Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm is the Editor of foreverymom.com. An outgoing introvert with a heart that beats for adventure, she lives to serve the Lord, experience the world, and eat macaroni and cheese all while capturing life’s greatest moments on one of her favorite cameras. Follow her on Facebook.

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