When You Need to Rescue a Bad Mom Day

And you know what? Our friends didn’t even notice the load of toys waiting to go up the stairs or the robes on the back of the kitchen chairs. And I got to spend time hanging out with two of my favorite people in the whole wide world. Achiever, give yourself permission to extend grace to yourself.

Grace says that hitting snooze is okay because my body and brain desperately need rest. Grace gently reminds me to be thankful that I have dishes to wash. Grace says that even in my impatience with the kids, His peace is flowing to me. Grace tells me to trust when I want to tackle. Grace says that He rescues the bad days and makes them good; that my mess is His beautiful masterpiece. Can I get an “Amen?”


This article originally appeared JillEMcCormick.com, published with permission.

Jill McCormick
Jill McCormick
Jill McCormick is the writer behind jillemccormick.com, a blog where she shares common-sense grace with the try-hard girl. Jill’s married to her high school sweetheart Ryan. They live in South Texas with their two daughters, born 18 months apart. Most days you’ll find her with a book in her hand or a podcast in her ears. She starts and ends everyday with sprinkles: on oatmeal for breakfast and on ice cream for dessert.

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