Dear Mamas, You Can’t Just Fake it ‘Till You Make It

“Lord, I confess to you my anger over this situation. I know I have acted foolishly and selfishly, treating those I love with bitter disrespect. Father, I ask that you take these feelings from me and replace them with your gentleness and kindness. Heal me of this hurt and give me the courage to believe you are in control over the situation. I thank you, Lord, that this anger has reminded me of my constant need for your grace and mercy, and that I am just as equally prone to sin as the person I am upset with. I know that through these wrong feelings, you will draw me nearer to your Word and you will give me the strength to seek out forgiveness for the wrong I have committed. Thank you, Jesus, for leading me on the path of life and restoration. Please bless this struggle and show me your glory by it. In your Son’s name, I pray, amen.”

This article originally appeared at

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Christine Chappell
Christine Chappell
Christine M. Chappell is a wife, mother of three, and the author of "Clean Home, Messy Heart: Promises of Renewal, Hope, and Change for Overwhelmed Moms." A former business owner and marketing trainer, she now balances home life with raising children and growing in Christ. Christine has a deep passion for ministry of the Word to women–desiring to bring God's Word to bear on spiritual and emotional battles such as panic, fear, depression, anger, and anxiety. Her personal blog is and she can be found on Facebook ( and Instagram (@christinemchappell).  

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