When You’re Six Days Late, Hunched Over In the Bathroom Stall

She plays so gently with her baby doll, wrapping its cotton bottom in tiny play diapers, offering it a bottle, rocking it in her arms.

“Ella,” I ask, “what’s your baby’s name?”

“This is my sister baby,” she tells me. And I have to leave the room because my heart is breaking.

“Mami,” she says to me one night after I have finished my dinner and am waiting for her to finish hers, when I have overeaten and am wearing an unflattering shirt, “you have a baby in your belly?”

And my husband answers so that I won’t cry in front of her. “No, Ella,” he says. “Just a food baby. Sometimes we have to wait a while to get a sister or a brother.”

I know the last comment is really for me, and I know that he is not wrong. I know that I have to have patience. I have affirmations for fertility stress relief, I have scripture upon scripture about waiting patiently for God and about having faith – and more patience, and more faith – in God’s timing, I have secret Pinterest boards that are full of other women’s advice on how to “survive the two week wait.” I am trying. I am trying so hard to wait, with grace.

And yet I am six days late, and it is all I can think about.

So in a minute, I will pee on my fourth stick of the day. I will wait, and I will pray. And then whatever the result, I will go pick up my daughter from school, hold her close, and thank God for her life. I will ask his forgiveness for my impatience, and I will ask him again to help me give Ella a sibling. But above all, I will do what I have done for so many months now, and ask God to make me brave enough and strong enough, and, yes, patient enough to simply wait.


This article originally appeared at Coffee + Crumbs. Follow Coffee + Crumbs on Facebook.

Danielle Griggs
Danielle Griggs
Guest post written by Danielle Griggs. Danielle is writes from the boonies of central Massachusetts, where she lives with two small cats, one small daughter, and one patient, unusual husband. By day she helps nonprofits and educational institutions tell their stories as a freelance writer at Creative Content, and by night she tells her own at The Junk Drawer.

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