10 Tips for Fostering Generosity in Kids

Gratitude and generosity are kindred virtues. Nurture your children through modeling a grateful and giving spirit. When we are thankful we are much more willing to be generous.

As parents, we know training kids to be generous can be a bit overwhelming. It’s difficult to get kids to even share with their siblings, much less strangers. Use these ten tips to encourage and nurture generosity in your family during the holidays and all year long.

10 Tips for Nurturing Generosity in Kids

  1. Model a generous heart; avoid selfishness.
  2. Be thankful and content.
  3. Discuss the difference between wants and needs.
  4. Praise your child when helpful, generous behaviors are exhibited.
  5. Practice empathy, placing oneself in another’s shoes.
  6. Identify ways to help others.
  7. Take advantage of the Salvation Army Red Kettles and other opportunities to share during the holidays.
  8. Be hospitable by inviting others into your home.
  9. Expect children to be generous, sharing and being kind to one another.
  10. Encourage your children to express thanks to others by saying thank you and writing thank you notes. 

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV


Becky Danielson
Becky Danielsonhttps://faithfirstparent.com/
Becky’s favorite title is Mom. She and her husband, Scott, have two young adult sons. Becky candidly shares her life as a Christian wife, mom, and educator in small group settings, workshops, and at national conferences. As licensed Parent & Family Educator and former kindergarten and first grade teacher, she has abundant experience working with families. She is the co-author of  the recently released Faithful Grandparenting: Practical Ideas for Connecting the Generations as well as Raising Little Kids with Big Love, Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love, and Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First. You can find encouragement and inspiration for your parenting journey at FaithFirstParent.com.

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