A Valentine Letter to My Husband: You are Not the Man of My Dreams

Dear Husband, If I sat here and tried to list all the things I love about you, I might never finish this letter. My fingers would be bleeding from typing for so long, and I would miss Valentine’s Day altogether because I might need until Christmas to finish. I just get stuck wondering what to write to my husband on Valentine’s Day.

Rather than listing the wonderful things about you that make me love you, I’m going to take a moment to thank you for all the things that you are not, all the things you don’t do, the things you could never be.

Doesn’t sound like much of a thank you, does it? Bear with me.

What to Write to My Husband on Valentine’s Day: You Aren’t My Dream Come True

You aren’t my dream come true. In my dreams, my man would never falter. He would meet all my needs before I knew I what I needed. He’d always know what to do and say and how to take care of everything. On bad days when I’m at my worst or when the kids are getting on my nerves or when everything seems to go wrong, I’d rather have you, because you’re real. You don’t have the all the answers, because no one does. You don’t have infinite patience for when I’m being unreasonable. You don’t love everything I do, because not everything I do is lovable! If you were always dreamy, imagine all the pressure that would put on both of us! Thank you for being genuine, human, flawed, and most importantly, for never even trying to pretend that our life is like living in a dream.

Thank you for never trying to be a “knight in shining armor.” I love that you know when to don your armor and fight beside me. And I love even more that you know when it’s my job to slay my dragons alone. There are battles in life that we are meant to fight by ourselves, and I’m glad you never rob me of the opportunity to hone my own strength and gain wisdom from a tough battle. If you were my knight, would I know how to fight for myself? Would I feel like I always needed you to rescue me? Would I ever want to be that weak?

I’m glad we settled for each other

We’ve both heard over and over that you should never settle for anyone. We’ve heard that to have a great relationship, the things that are important to you should be important to your partner, too. Well, I’m glad we settled for each other.

Tina Plantamura
Tina Plantamura
Tina Plantamura is a seamstress by trade, a writer at heart, an aspiring harpoon specialist, and a stand-up comedian in her imagination. She lives on the NJ Shore with her family. You can catch her on Twitter at @tina_plantamura. Read more of Tina's work at Tinaplantamura.com.

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