Just imagine if the contagious spirit of joy that kids project could filter into our adult selves on a more regular basis. What if we began our days with giddy anticipation over the gifts God has set before us? What would the outburst of delight after having received His blessings look like? We can be certain that such an outlook would drastically change the emotional landscape of our present world for the better.
Sadly, there are days I can barely muster the energy to function, let alone look forward to the blessings God has tucked away in special places. In my doldrum, I’m guaranteed to leave countless presents unopened, thus taking away God’s delight in me finding them.
Not sure about you but thinking about God missing out on experiencing joy over His adoring and gift-giving—the same joy we experience in loving our children—makes my heart hurt. Stealing such a precious exchange of love from the Father leaves me feeling altogether empty.
Maybe we can try to soak up some extra joy this Christmas by paying close attention to the children around us. Even if our kids are grown or we don’t have kids of our own, we can adore from afar the children we see while going about our days. Observing any little one is sure to bring a smile to our face and melt away whatever is bringing us down—even if for a moment.
LOVE came into the world as a child 2000 years ago, and He’s here to stay. His presence is all around us, but sometimes we simply need the spirit of a child to help us see.
Have a JOYFUL Christmas!