My Word for the Year: Allowing — What I Learned When I Surrendered My Kids to God

Allowing is so hard, Mommas, and so worth it. When we let go, we are building up our kid’s confidence and self-worth, not to mention modeling a faith for them that allows uncertainty to exist. We wouldn’t even need faith if all things were certain, which they most definitely are not.

Just like food that needs to be seasoned, simmered, and rendered into form, we as Mommas learn to trust more through the experience or raising our kids—reducing our worry and sifting our fears with each instance of allowing along the way.

In light of these culinary and motherhood truths, I decided to share with all of you the recipe for one of the Spear family favorites. While making this delicious comfort food the other day, I couldn’t help but think about the concept of allowing. Maybe making this warm and fuzzy dish will give you something to ponder as well.


A version of this post originally appeared on, published with permission.

Shelby Spear
Shelby Spear
Shelby is a sappy soul whisperer, sarcasm aficionado, and pro-LOVE, Jesus adoring mom of 3 Millennials writing stuff & doing life with her hubby of 25 years. You can read her stories on her blog at, around the web, and in print at Guideposts. Shelby's new book, co-authored with Lisa Leshaw, is now available: How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, "I'm fine.")

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