7 Things You Should Quit Doing in 2021

Keeping up with the Joneses often means keeping up with a pretty picture that doesn’t represent what is going on behind closed doors. The Joneses oftentimes finance their way to that pretty picture. You don’t see the amount of work they do to maintain it, the stress they are hiding, and the disfunction in their relationships that comes along with the pretty picture.  

4. QUIT surrounding yourself with people who try too hard to impress you (and others).

Most people are too busy worrying about their own lives to really care about you. That is not an indictment of people, instead it suggests that the same insecurities that you may have about how you look, what you have, or how successful you are, may be shared by many. Make this the year that you surround yourself with people who have come to a place of contentment—those who aren’t trying to impress anyone.  

5. QUIT taking financial advice from people who are not better off than you.

It is amazing how often people take advice from others who are doing no better, if not worse than they themselves are. I’ve seen people get marriage advice from divorced people, and business start-ups getting advice about how to do things from struggling businesses. The only advice you should get from those who are struggling is what NOT to do.

6. QUIT working so many hours.

The most successful people work less, often make more, and love their life. Their business complements instead of competes with their personal life. They experience freedom and independence with their time, finances, and choices.

Years of conditioning have us believing that hard work means working a lot. The truth is, short periods of efficient hard work are much more productive than “overdrive” 60-hour work weeks. And if you have young children, long work hours and lots of business travel are especially dangerous. Now is when they need you in their lives. Work will be there later.

7. QUIT putting off living life until someday when you have more wealth.

Let’s face it, in 2020 many people realized how short life can be. It’s time for you to start experiencing life to the fullest. When you are trying to live life with money as the measure, you will never have enough.  You will put off doing the things you could do right now in hopes that someday you have more available to enjoy life. Live it today.

The Lifeonaire approach is to change the rules of the game of life. Rather than playing life the way the world around us expects us to, we go against the grain and live life to the fullest. If you stop doing the things above, you will begin to have the space and time to do the things in life that really matter the most to you, which will also give you the time to grow and experience life to the fullest.


Lifeonaire; An Uncommon Approach to Wealth, Success, and Prosperity (Lifeonaire Promotions, LLC, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-9863228-7-7, $14.99) is available from major online booksellers.

To learn more, please visit https://lifeonaire.com.

Steve Cook
Steve Cookhttps://lifeonaire.com/
Living in a small, vibrant town in Wisconsin, Steve lives very intentionally according to his vision of a simple life where he enjoys his days alongside his beautiful wife Micheleen and their wonderful children. He gives God all the glory for the many blessings he has in his life.

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