Today I Wore a Mask to Target—and I Wish You Would Too

Today I wore a mask to Target.

I was hot.

I was uncomfortable.

My glasses were foggy.

No one could see my really cute lipstick I had just applied before I put my mask on because I still have standards to uphold people. (Also the lipstick thing is automatic and I keep forgetting about the mask.)

I smiled with my eyes at my fellow mask wearers to encourage us all in our mission of love.

Friends, masks are not a symbol of fear.

They are a symbol of love.

Today I wore a mask to Target.

I was hot.

I was uncomfortable.

Amy Betters-Midtvedt
Amy Betters-Midtvedt
I'm Amy Betters-Midtvedt and I write along with my friend Erin over at We write to help find our sanity and our joy and sometimes joy is found hiding out in the closet with our coffee, come and join us!

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