7. “Let’s imagine our happy place.”
Using visualization is a great way to help kids calm down, especially if they are prone to anxiety. Ask them to close their eyes and picture a place where they feel safe and happy. This could be the beach, a park, or even their bedroom. Encourage them to describe what they see, hear, or feel in that happy place. This exercise can help transport their minds away from distressing thoughts and into a space of peace.
8. “You’re doing a great job of handling this.”
Positive reinforcement is powerful, especially when kids are facing challenging emotions. By affirming their efforts to stay calm, you encourage resilience. Even if they’re struggling, acknowledging the effort they’re putting in to control their emotions boosts their self-esteem. This phrase reassures them that they’re capable of handling hard feelings, which can motivate them to keep trying.
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9. “Feelings come and go, like waves.”
This metaphor can be helpful in teaching children that emotions are temporary. Comparing emotions to waves reminds them that feelings won’t last forever—they come and go. It’s a gentle way of saying that what they’re experiencing right now will pass, helping them manage feelings of frustration or sadness. Teaching kids this concept can prevent them from feeling trapped by their emotions.
10. “Let’s try to solve this together.”
In situations where a specific problem is causing the emotional response, offering to work through it together can be incredibly reassuring. By saying this, you’re not only offering practical support but also teaching them problem-solving skills. This approach can make them feel empowered, knowing they don’t have to face challenges alone and that they can rely on you for guidance.
Using Phrases to Help Kids Calm Down as a Daily Practice
Using these phrases consistently can turn calming down into a routine that children can rely on. Over time, they’ll internalize these messages, learning to apply them even when you’re not around. Repetition is key, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results—emotional growth is a process.
Additionally, consider modeling these phrases yourself when you’re stressed. Kids learn a lot from observing adults, so if they see you practicing self-regulation, they’re more likely to adopt it. This reinforces the lesson that everyone has big emotions and that learning to handle them is a skill that improves over time.
Why Calming Phrases are Essential for Emotional Development
Positive, supportive language during tough times plays a crucial role in emotional development. These phrases not only help kids calm down but also teach them valuable lessons about understanding and managing their emotions. By offering a supportive and non-judgmental environment, you’re helping them grow into emotionally intelligent individuals capable of navigating life’s challenges (Psalm 46:1).
Teaching children these skills in their formative years sets the foundation for better mental health and resilience as they grow. Ultimately, when kids learn to recognize and regulate their emotions, they become more equipped to handle difficult situations with confidence.
Every child is unique, and some phrases may work better for certain kids than others. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see which of these phrases to help kids calm down resonates most with your child. Remember, patience and empathy are essential. Helping children learn to calm themselves is a process, and by consistently using positive phrases, you’re guiding them toward a healthier emotional future.
By equipping children with these verbal tools, you’re helping them gain control over their emotions and teaching them that they have the power to manage challenging feelings. In time, they’ll develop their own techniques and phrases to self-soothe, ultimately fostering a sense of inner calm that they can carry throughout life.