We Were Right There, and It Happened Anyway: Be Vigilant With Your Little Ones Around Water

“I was falling and Cade saved me,” he kept saying, over and over again. “I was falling and Cade saved me.”

Later, when our nerves had calmed a bit, we asked Cade what he saw.

“I thought it was one of the other kids, swimming under the water. Then I saw his arms flapping at his side. That’s when I knew it was Leo.”

I don’t want to dramatize this into something it wasn’t. We are all fine. Nothing terrible happened. It was quick and painless and within a few minutes, Leo was back to his old self.

But these things happen so fast. Please be careful this summer. Be on the lookout, not only for your own but for other little people who might be having a hard time.

He woke up at four in the morning. Instead of putting him back into his bed, I spread some pillows and blankets on the floor and we slept there, the hum of the fan settling us both.


This article originally appeared at ShawnSmucker.com, published with permission.

Shawn Smucker
Shawn Smucker
Shawn is the author of the book The Day the Angels Fell, a middle-grade adventure tale that asks the question, “Could it be possible that death is a gift?” He has also co-written numerous non-fiction books and lives in the city of Lancaster, PA, with his wife and their six children. He blogs regularly about family, faith, and city-living at shawnsmucker.com.

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