You can be grateful and blessed and still count down the clock til your significant other walks through the door because you just need five minutes of no one touching you or screaming “mom” at the top of their lungs. You rage text your husband because he said he would be home at 5:30 and it is now 5:35.
You can be grateful and love your babies to the moon and still lose your ever-loving mind. You know the moments I’m talking about – when you’re late for work (again). One child is now naked because his clothes were too itchy and the other can’t manage to find a matching shoe to save his life.
You can be grateful and still wonder what happened to your pre-baby body. You can look in the mirror and hardly recognize the woman staring back at you. You’ll wonder how you’ve got here. If you’ve lost yourself – it’s normal sis. She’s in there. Trust me.
You can be grateful and still rush through bedtime, skipping pages and reading cliff notes style because you have a laundry list of things to do waiting for you once the kiddos go to bed.
You can be grateful and still want to smother your husband with a pillow as he cuts down a rain forest sleeping next to you while you’re up with the baby for the fourth time tonight.
In a world that tells you, you have to be one or the other – it’s OK to be both. We all feel and experience these things. Every single one of us. Does it mean you’re a bad or ungrateful mom? Hardly. It means you’re real. We all have our days. Cherish every moment? No, sis. Just enjoy the ride.