This is What Long-Term Coping Looks Like

This is what long term coping looks like…

Coping with unfriendly news over and over.
Coping with realities of your child’s diagnosis coming to be.
Coping with how all of it seems to envelop every inch of your life.

Sometimes, coping looks like…

Dishes left untouched for day.
Piles of laundry, unfolded.
A house left practically untouched.
Because the simplest task seems too much.

Sometimes, coping looks like stress eating a bacon cheeseburger, large cheesy fries, and a large chocolate shake. Knowing it won’t feel good later, but momentarily it does, so you do it anyways.

Sometimes, it looks like a short answer or a snippy comment to those we love.

Because we don’t know quite how to express the truth of how we feel.

Or we feel guilty.

Or we know that their pity will feel weightier than them just not knowing at all.

Coping comes in waves, with each blow of a reality now shaken.

It looks like tears streaming while binge-watching that Netflix series.
Yes, it’s sad, but you know the tears are coming from a much deeper place than what’s unfolding on the television.

Sometimes, it looks like motivation, a long run, a new project.
But, other times it looks like not wanting to move at all.

Sarah Lango
Sarah Lango
Sarah Lango is a momma of 3, wife, writer, speaker, Jesus follower, and coffee lover from small town Missouri. She is the founder of Gracefilled Growth, where she writes about her faith, marriage, motherhood journey, and her new experience of special needs parenting. Her passion is to inspire others to live authentic lives, learning together, and embracing the grace that God so lovingly offers. You can read more of Sarah’s writing at

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