Dear Girl: There’s One More Thing You Need to Know Before You Say ‘I Do’

There were a lot of things I considered before getting married.

Did my boyfriend and I share the same values?

Did we share the same morals?

Was he kind, was he generous, was he charitable, was he honorable?

Where would we settle down?

Whose family would we spend holidays with?

Did our families get along? Did my boyfriend fit in with my family, and did I with his?

Was family important to him?

What about children?

Or finances? How would we handle our money?

Were we on the same page?

Did we believe the same things?

What were our end goals — were they the same?

Would we lead each other to Heaven? Would we make each other become better, holier people?

The list can go on and on.

But there’s another question to ask. Kevin Thompson first pointed it out here. He calls it the most overlooked characteristic of who you want to marry, and I have to agree with him.

Annie Deddens
Annie Deddens
Annie is a Catholic wife & writer, and coffee lover. She used to broadcast the news as a TV producer, but now she broadcasts prayers. She works from home on a prayer ministry she and her husband run, Pray More Novenas. They pray one or two novenas together each month with thousands of people around the world. She also writes at Catholic Wife, Catholic Life. She and her husband live in Dayton, Ohio. She would love for you to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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