At that moment as I looked at him reading from the Bible I knew that’s what I wanted in a husband.
I wanted a man who loved Jesus even more than he loved me. Definitely more.
I wanted a man who took joy in reading God’s word, and a man who enjoyed discussing the scriptures with me.
I wanted a man who was strong, sure, but moreover I wanted a man who knew his true strength rested in Christ.
I never knew that when I first desired to have a spouse that I would need one who desired God so much, but I do. My husband’s love for the Lord leads his heart on all matters, and it has shaped him into the wonderful man he has become. His countenance shines the light of Jesus, and I can see his love for others in everything he does. I don’t believe he is ever more handsome to me than when he is serving others. The type of strong provider he is for our family is modeled after God, and his gentle demeanor and sensitive character is one that flows from a spirit filled by Jesus.
I never knew I’d need a man who had such a heart for the Lord, but now that I’ve found him I can imagine nothing better. The fruits of the spirit are evident in his life, and they flow abundantly to me and our children. I am blessed to have found a man who I can read the Bible with, and share the love of Christ abundantly.
This article originally appeared at