A Mother’s Hands

These are the hands that care for others
Hands that sew buttons, clean up messes, wipe tears, tend to injury, prepare meals

These are the hands that fold in prayer and lift in praise
Hands that surrender to God and trust in His goodness

These aren’t just any hands—they are MY unique hands
Hands created by God; perfectly imperfect

My hands are a constant reminder of my indelible worth as a child of God
Whenever I doubt my place in this world, I can look at my hands, see God’s love, and know I am beloved.


This piece originally appeared at Shelby Spear, Finding Grace in the Mishmash, published with permission.

Shelby Spear
Shelby Spearhttp://shelbyspear.com/
Shelby is a sappy soul whisperer, sarcasm aficionado, and pro-LOVE, Jesus adoring mom of 3 Millennials writing stuff & doing life with her hubby of 25 years. You can read her stories on her blog at shelbyspear.com, around the web, and in print at Guideposts. Shelby's new book, co-authored with Lisa Leshaw, is now available: How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, "I'm fine.")

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