Dear Daughter: I Don’t Want You to Grow Up to Be ‘Whatever You Want to Be’

Dear daughter,

These days we say grace and bedtime prayers.

We read through that tiny bible and I tell you about how there is a God who loves you, who made you, who has plans for you. And you listen and you believe because I can still scoop you up.

I can still hold on to you.

But someday, someday you will hear different ideas.

You will be inundated with media that screams a different message to you.

And like eve and that fruit, you will be drawn to this message.

And like eve and that fruit, it will destroy you.

e m p o w e r m e n t

You can do anything!

You can be whatever you want!

You can shatter glass ceilings!

Daughter, the truth is, the God who formed you in my womb, who knit you together with a love that we can neither understand, nor fathom, He does not call you to be whatever you want.

Kayla McAfee
Kayla McAfee
Kayla McAfee is a mama bear to Rooney, soon-to-be wife to Andrew, worshipper of Jesus, emotional rambler, and pizza fanatic. She is currently finishing up a never-ending degree in Early Childhood & Family Studies, planning a wedding, and staying at home with her strong-willed threenager. She finds writing to be the most therapeutic way to fumble through everyday thoughts on faith and family. Follow her blog at

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