When God Showed Up In An Uber


If we really believe what Jesus says, we are choosing to live with an eternal perspective, rather than day to day survival. We make the choice to invest in what really matters, and trust that God will provide everything we need when we tell Him we are ready to be poured out. It means saying that people and these opportunities we have to tangibly love around us are not mere coincidences in our lives, but divine appointments that will matter for eternity.

Unfortunately, this is much easier said than done, but thanks be to God that He is more than willing—expectant, even, to give us the ability to live out what He has called us to. Sending prayers of grace and peace to you as we work out what it really means to believe what Jesus says and LIVE IT.


Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26


What are your thoughts on this? Do you find it hard to live daily with an eternal perspective? How about dying to self? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.


This article originally appeared at EverydayNatalie.com.

Rachel Sweatt
Rachel Sweatt
Rachel Sweatt is a mom to two wonderful, spirited, little boys who keep her on her toes and her knees at the same time. She and her husband serve at a local church in West Texas where they are passionate about seeing lives changed and people growing in their relationship with Christ. A lover of sunshine and adventure, in her ‘free’ time Rachel enjoys community, photography, and passionately studying and preaching the Gospel to whoever will listen. She is the founder of #IKnowHim, a ministry that seeks to spread the gospel by encouraging the church to share stories that communicate God is real, He is here, and He is good. She loves speaking to teenagers, young adults, and women about the incredible truths that God’s Word has for us and the freedom that can be found in an intimate relationship with Jesus.

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