Being a Mother is ‘Doing Enough’

Do you always feel like you’ve got to be doing something?

And in those moments, do forget that simply

being with your kids,

being physically present,

as mentally tuned-in as possible,

and just loving them

IS doing something;

even if last night’s dishes are still in the sink where they’ll remain for as long as you decide to ignore them;

even if the washer, dryer, and hampers are all full, while a pile of wrinkling, unfolded clothes continue to decorate the kitchen table;

even if

the house is a mess,

Nicole Merritt
Nicole Merritt
Nicole Merritt is a mother of three, a freelance writer, co-host of I Am The Worst Parent Ever Podcast and the Owner and Founder of jthreeNMe; an imperfectly authentic peek at real-life marriage, parenting, and self-improvement. jthreeNMe is raw, honest, empowering, inspiring, and entertaining; it’s like chicken soup for those that are exhausted, over-stressed and under-inebriated, yet still utterly happy. Nicole's work has been featured by NBC's TODAY Show, Love What Matters, Scary Mommy, The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, CafeMom, Popsugar, Motherly & many others. You can follow Nicole at and as @jthreeNMe on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter!

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