Bullied 13-Year-Old Hangs Herself; Bullies Post Meme About Her Death to Social Media

The parents of 13-year-old Rosalie Avila are in mourning today as they prepare to take their daughter off life support. The California teen, who was bullied at school and online via social media, hung herself last week and left a note for her father to find, saying as Fox 11 news reports, that “she couldn’t take being bullied anymore.”

Her parents say that they reported Rosalie’s bullying to that her school but that nothing was done about it. After seeing what happened after Rosalie hung herself I am inclined to believe them. You see, her social media bullies did not stop after she was on life-support, lying in the hospital with only machines keeping her alive. Rather, they kept at it, posting a meme of her to Instagram with a picture of her near an open grave and a very chilling caption. It is so cruel that I cannot bring myself to repost it here, but you can see it in the news video below if you wish.

I’ll be honest: the fact that children were able to make this cruel meme of Rosalie after she hung herself due to bullying made me literally sick to my stomach. I cannot imagine the pain her parents had to go through seeing that image of her daughter after she had taken her own life.

“It’s so heartless, so mean to do that. And it’s not funny, it’s not funny to see that image of your daughter and to be mocked like she’s crap and she’s not. That’s my daughter,” says Rosalie’s mom Charlene. “The things that they post on social media about my daughter is unacceptable. The people that liked it and fed into it… it’s painful and it makes me angry to know that they have no heart,” she added.

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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