Mamas, You Can’t Hold Your Child’s Hand When They Stand Before God

Their paths will lead them to stand before God.

Here we are, you and I, standing on the path that leads to glory. Are we acting like it? And, are we desperate to see our children experience the miracle of a real and authentic love for Jesus? Their journey is their own. Are we doing all we can to bless their pathway? Or are we sending them down all the wrong roads, assuming that it’ll all work out in the end?

When our children stand before God, they will do it alone. We won’t be there to make excuses or to argue in their defense. This is our time, right now, to get serious about our kids’ salvation. To get desperate to see them commit to Christ and follow Him down whichever path He has laid out for them. Just the mere thought of that day of judgment should inspire us to give up our lukewarm Christianity in favor of a reckless faith. We can’t be satisfied in thinking that they will be good, church-going Christians someday–we have to want more for ourselves and more for them.

Everyone is on a journey. Our children may be walking in their own way and at their own pace. But, one thing they should never wonder is what their parents’ journeys are all about. If it’s anything other than adoring Christ and living for Him, we are giving our kids a faulty roadmap that leads to noplace. They may find their way regardless, but their road is likely to be long and rocky and painful. Let’s bless their journey by walking in true faith, love, repentance, and soul-deep prayer for their salvation and perseverance in their walk.

And if, despite everything, our kids still choose to take the wide, smooth roads that lead away from Jesus, we will at least have the assurance that we are journeying in the ways that please God, and we will trust Him to bring them back to the narrow way.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. Matthew 7:13

This article originally appeared at Your Mom Has a Blog.

Melissa Edgington
Melissa Edgington
Melissa Edgington is a Jesus-loving mom of three great kids and a pastor's wife who loves blogging about faith and her life's adventures at the (hilariously named!) Your Mom Has a Blog. You can also catch her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

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