19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
I want my girls to always carry themselves in the knowledge that they are creations of God, set apart, and Holy. Their life is worthy, precious, and was worth dying for. Therefore they’re not who any human being states they are, but they’re not even who their self esteem whispers they are. They are beautiful creations worth dying for, and as such I would hope they walk in that confidence. But while walking in that confidence they need to walk humbly knowing they are children of God, His beloved, and should carry themselves in a manner that represents God’s kingdom well. It’s not anything they do, but because of Christ within them that makes them more than conquerors in this life.
Of note, every decision they make with “their body” should be made with their Heavenly Father in mind.
3. You are nothing.
I have no problem with confidence, I think it’s great. But when we begin to think so highly of ourselves that we elevate ourselves above God, or think we can lead a productive life without Him, that is when problems arise. Arrogance and pride will never bring true fruit in your life, and that’s something I want my daughters to know. So while it’s fine to love yourself, it’s important to remember that a life without Jesus is actually no life at all.
John 15:5 (NIV)
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
In Christ we can live courageously, free, and triumphantly. Apart from Him life is void.
In a world that tells women to be independent, rely on their own strength, and make their own decisions, I still choose to raise my daughters to know where their true strength lies. They can still be successful in this life, but it will be a sturdy foundation on which they stand. When it comes down to it perhaps independence is overrated, and maybe weakness is simply the raw, honest part of this life. In a world of women striving to prove themselves this may not be a popular opinion, but as an intelligent woman who was strong enough to admit her own fallibility, I believe these truths are the key.