I don’t understand the suffering, but I know that Jesus is near. I know His heart aches. I know He holds these precious babies close. I know, because I’ve been there. I’ve felt His embrace. I’ve known that kind of peace. I’ve been in that room, with my dying child.
And I met Jesus there. Or rather, He met me, right where I was, right where you are. Among the tubes and wires and machines and blood. He is there. He is with us in the messy. The dirty. The scary. The unimagineable.
He is with us in the pain. The suffering. The grief.
He is with us in the joy. The beauty. The breath.
and He never leaves.
I think sometimes our eyes are more open to Him in the pain. Our ears are more prone to listen in the suffering. our hearts are softer in the grief.
Because we beg for Him. We want Him. We need Him in a new way. And He wants us close. He draws us near. He longs for us to come to Him.
So, now in this moment, when “all we can do is pray”. Well, friends, maybe that is all we are supposed to do. Talk to our Savior. Cry out to Him. Acknowledge the Creator and Sustainer of life.
And we will do what we are meant to do all along. We will glorify our God with our lips. We will praise Him with our tears. We will thank Him for the gift of life.
This article originally appeared at TiffanyNardoni.com.