Dear Mama Whose Heart is Twisted About Having Another Baby

You wonder and worry about how your oldest will respond to sharing your attention, but try to remember that the adjustment period, regardless of how long or short it is, is just a brief season in the grand scheme. (Plus, your oldest may surprise you with how well and how quickly he or she adjusts.)

Like me, you may find yourself in this bizarre phase of mourning all the things you love about this current season of life as a mom to one. You feel like you’ve all finally found a routine that’s comfortable and easy and enjoyable just in time to shake things back up again. You’ll surely find that “comfortable” routine again eventually, and this time you’ll have the privilege of having another little soul to love and raise and enjoy.

I used to watch other moms who had two or more children and wondered if they could have ever at some point empathized with my rollercoaster of emotions about adding another baby. I would watch as these mamas so effortlessly moved through the grocery store or a restaurant or the park with two or more little ones, and I would hope (and still hope) that one day I would find my groove just like her. I hoped that someday I would be able to embrace the role of juggling multiple kids as naturally as she seemed to do.

If your heart is twisted and you’re finding yourself taken back by your rollercoaster of emotions about having your next baby, know that your feelings are relatable, understandable, and justified. You may choke up like me when it’s time to give your biggest baby one last hug before you meet your next one, but just remember this is all a beautiful part of this crazy life. Your heart is about to grow so much more full with love.

Photo credit: Sarah Buchanan Photography

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This post originally appeared on the TODAY Parenting Community, published with permission.

Erica DeSpain
Erica DeSpain
Erica DeSpain is the author of, an entertainment source for young families that covers topics such as affordable fashion, easy homemade meals, manageable travel, healthy relationships, faith, and more. She is a firm believer in balance, and practices this in the form of 5 a.m. workouts and nightly dessert. Cheers!

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