Motherhood is Not the Highest Calling

“Being a mother is the highest calling a woman can ever receive.” I’ve heard this said before. That parenting and being called Mom is the highest calling one could ever receive from God. But we have been lied to. What does parenting have to do with our high calling?

And it is driving me nuts. I see women diminishing or suppressing other areas of their life because God has called them to motherhood.

Our High Calling — Motherhood Is Up There, But Is it at the Top?

Okay — don’t get me wrong. If motherhood is really what God is calling you to focus on, I think that is great. Fabulous, even. I commend you for the ability to accurately discern that calling on your life — it’s so awesome. I’m a mother who mainly writes about motherhood, both here and over at Memphis Moms Blog, so I get it and I hear it too.

But our culture has whispered to us that something good and high and magnificent — motherhood — is the most good and high and magnificent calling a woman can hear for her life.

But it’s not true.

I’m not proclaiming this as a sort of anthem to support the [childless].
Nor am I proclaiming this as an “out” from the immense pressure of raising humans.

I’m proclaiming this because every call is high. Because every call comes from our High God.


He does not rank them.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say this.

Sure, motherhood is incredible and many women are blessed to be mothers. It is also a high call that so many women wish they would hear. And I do believe our families should be our first, Earthly priority.


God doesn’t call every person to be a parent … but He does call every person.

And each individual call is just as high and good and magnificent as motherhood.

Now, do I believe in seasons of life where there are louder callings than others? Yes. Motherhood could very well be that one for you right now. But maybe it’s not.

I would probably describe it as the most prominent urge on my life right now. Motherhood envelops and consumes me in this Season of Littles.

But that doesn’t mean it will always be this way.

Yes, I’ll always be a mother, but it won’t be the most prominent, daily call I must answer. Maybe it will be work … or maybe it will be volunteering … or mission work … or grandparenting … or whatever …

Kristin Funston
Kristin Funston
Kristin Funston is the author of More for Mom: Living Your Whole & Holy Life and helps busy women engage with God and live with proper perspective and peace in the daily grind. She writes in a way that is relatable and practical, often with a healthy dose of humor. Kristin is a regular contributor to various blogs and has been featured in places like The Better Mom, TODAY Parenting, Scary Mommy, and City Moms Blog. Kristin resides outside of Memphis, TN with her husband and three daughters. You can connect with her at or on Facebook or Instagram.

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