How to Motivate Your Teenager to Dream Big

How to Motivate Your Teenager

1. Nudge them out the door

It’s pretty difficult to dream big if you spend most of your time in a predictable routine within four walls.

Ever the pragmatist, John C. Maxwell writes:

If your teenager has not held a job yet, this may be a great place to start. Not motivated? You may need to limit any outpouring of cash, until said teenager realizes the value of employment.

My son’s friend told us the other day, “My parents are willing to pay Walmart prices for any clothes I want. If I want anything nicer, I have to pay the difference.”

[cue balloons and streamers for wise parents]

There are so many lessons teens can learn from having a job, and this might be a great place to start.

2. Get practical

Are your teenagers hands-on learners? They may not naturally gravitate towards book knowledge or a traditional path of education.

For these kids, help them take practical ideas to the next level.

Watching our eldest launch his small business at age 14, has been amazing. He solves a keenly felt pain point for young Moms in particular. They ask, “How will I ever have a clean vehicle since my children smush goldfish crackers into the van carpet?” He brings the mobile cleaning to their driveway. Win-win.

I won’t be surprised if he starts a national franchise of Car Cleaning Teens one day. But in order to dream big, he had to first roll up his sleeves and get scrubbing.

Read for ideas on launching your own teenage entrepreneur:

Karen Gauvreau
Karen Gauvreau
Karen Gauvreau would gladly squeeze her four-baby-body into a cheerleading outfit if it meant you knew someone was rooting for you as a Mom. She would cartwheel for your victories and offer a pep talk when you are getting pummelled. She wants every Mom to feel understood and valuable for their sacred role. And if she makes you laugh in the process, even better. You can find her over at Lightly Frayed, parenting four boys ages 5 to 16 with hope and humour {most days}. Catch her writing at,

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