How to Motivate Your Teenager to Dream Big

Dad, as I finished reading this book I have come to the conclusion that my attitude, more than anything else will determine my success in life.

His faith-based writing inspires teens to see beyond themselves. So when John Maxwell recommends a book, I listen.

He recommends parents give their kids these books:


With four boys, I definitely understand how busy life can be. When I write these articles, I write them first to myself.

To remind me to pause and zoom out for a moment.

To take small steps towards an important goal.

I hope this inspires all of us to be intentional about preparing our teenagers to dream big – one adventure at a time.

And in the meantime, let’s start with getting them to pick up their socks…


This article originally appeared at

Karen Gauvreau
Karen Gauvreau
Karen Gauvreau would gladly squeeze her four-baby-body into a cheerleading outfit if it meant you knew someone was rooting for you as a Mom. She would cartwheel for your victories and offer a pep talk when you are getting pummelled. She wants every Mom to feel understood and valuable for their sacred role. And if she makes you laugh in the process, even better. You can find her over at Lightly Frayed, parenting four boys ages 5 to 16 with hope and humour {most days}. Catch her writing at,

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