Stay Weird: A Letter to My Daughter

And it makes me want to be like you. Not the girl who cried because her jeans came from Sears and not 5-7-9, and not the girl who wore bangs even though her forehead wasn’t made for them and no amount of hairspray could hold their curl or height. It makes me want to be like you, my silly girl who walks to the beat of her own drum, and not the girl who is embarrassed by her small house or plain clothes or twisty career path or plus-size size.

Stay weird, Sweetpea. Don’t listen to people who say things like, “You should break her of that,” or “Why aren’t you [fill in the blank] like everyone else?” YOU ARE NOT EVERYONE ELSE. You were wonderfully and fearfully made by the most Creative Creator, and I will take down anyone who wants to squash your uniqueness.

Stay weird, Baby Girl. Because weird is ALWAYS better than boring, better than vanilla, better than like-everyone-else.

Stay weird, because not everyone can be weird…just like not everyone can be amazing and world-changing.

Stay weird, no matter what that means.

  •  Stay weird when that means saying “no” when everyone else says “why not?”
  • Stay weird when that means staying home when everyone else goes to the party, and stay weird when that means trying something new when everyone else is afraid to leave their comfort zone.
  • Stay weird when you choose an instrument or sport, and stay weird when you choose a major and a career.
  • Stay weird when that means putting family first and stay weird when that means taking time for yourself and that God-sized dream He’s given you.
  • Stay weird when it means joining up and stay weird when it means standing alone.
  • Stay weird when it means reading the book instead of seeing the movie.
  • Stay weird when you save your money or spend it, travel the world or stay close, smile for the picture or make a silly face.
  • Stay weird when you find the cure, build the house, write the song or marry the prince.

Stay weird.

Your mom who’s just now learning to be happy with her own weirdness

This article originally appeared at Giving Up on Perfect.

Mary Carver
Mary Carver
Mary Carver is a recovering perfectionist, wife, and mom of two daughters who blogs about family, faith, food, books, and sometimes her favorite TV shows at her blog, Giving Up on Perfect. For more Mary, you can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter.

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