He has removed your sin as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). You are clothed with His righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). The Creator of the universe sings over you with joy (Zephaniah 3:17). You are beautiful to Him.
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe.
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow.
Now that’s simplifying.
When we hyper-focus on physical ways to improve our families we miss an opportunity to point our kids to Christ. It becomes all about the object and not about Him.
Our homes don’t need a dose of the 1950’s – they need the gospel. Simplicity can become an idol. It’s only Christ that can bring peace to a home.
Moms, you’re tired. You’re frustrated by the imperfections you see in yourself, your kids, and your home and you want a quick fix. I know. I’m right there with you.
“Starting tomorrow I’m going to…”
“From now on we’re never going to let the kids…”
“That’s it! We’re getting rid of all the…”
Fix, fix, fix. The more dramatic the change the better, right? We become so obsessed with fixing that we forget – we’ve already been fixed. Once for all. Forever. The God who gave you salvation also gives you daily strength to live within the time and place He put you.
So don’t just get more simple. Get more biblical. Don’t go back to the basics – go back to the Bible. The Bible tells us who we are in Christ. It reminds us of the Giver of all good things. Our kids don’t need toy rations as much as they need to know the God who made them.
Has God placed it on your heart to simplify? Go for it with joy knowing that you are already loved by a great God. Simplify back down to the gospel, not just a tidier house. Pray about it. Make changes that you feel are sustainable for your family so the kids are blessed by your consistency.
Be balanced.
Be discerning.
What works for one mom might not work for your family.
And that’s okay.
Exert your time and energy loving your kids with the gospel. Quiet your own spirit with reminders of His love at the start of each day. Talk to your kids with the same gentleness you’ve been shown by Christ. Teach with a quiet spirit. Discipline with grace. Listen with unwavering patience.
Life isn’t simpler when it’s old fashioned. It’s simpler when it’s about Christ.
This article originally appeared at The Gospel-Centered Mom.