3. Play music.
Pick something inspirational that will help your spirit feel at peace, even in the middle of all the busy. I love to listen to Bethel Worship free on Pandora. Find what works for you. Music can change the atmosphere (and attitude) of your heart.
4. Take a break.
I know, I know: there is no time. But look around and see what you can let go. Maybe the laundry never gets folded and people just take it out of the basket. Maybe you grab a rotisserie chicken so you don’t have to cook. Find little ways to let go and give yourself a break.
5. Make sleep a priority.
When you’re busy, it’s easy to sacrifice sleep to get more done. In reality sleep is one of the things that will help you get more done. Set a bedtime reminder on your phone and get the rest you need. You’ll be a better version of you.
In reality the list could keep going. But then it would just become more things to keep you busy.
Try to incorporate a few of these things in your season of busy and see how you feel. If you are craving more time with God, I designed a five day e-course that will help. It’s free and only takes a few minutes a day. Check it out here.
Praying you find peace in the middle of whatever season you are in