I recently shared with him, “I think I know what I want for Mother’s Day.”
“What?” His voice cracked in fear.
“I’d love it if the kids (you) cleaned out the garage and maybe took a run to the dumps.”
“Okay. Sounds good to me. How about we make you a nice breakfast before we get to work?” He smiled, looking relieved. This was something he could do no problem.
Now, let me share something I know but he doesn’t. Cleaning the garage is going to happen no matter what. We’re moving. It’s a no-brainer. So, why would I ask him to do something like that for me on Mother’s Day?
Because I know it makes him feel good to love me by doing an act of service. Plus, he’s a great dictator and is frighteningly energized after telling the kids what to do for hours. Win. Win.
So, what would I really like for Mother’s Day?
Runny eggs and lumpy pancakes sound good to me.
(Editor’s note: the photo in this post is intended to be funny. It is not an accurate depiction of the author’s husband. LOL! We promise!)