I Hope My Child’s Marriage Isn’t As Happy As Mine

I have been blessed by a very happy marriage, that has also seen its share of hard and unhappy times. And I pray for my children, a happier marriage than mine…not because I suppose that theirs can be truly “happier,” but because I hope that they will handle the hard times better, at least better than their mom did as a young bride.

I pray that the happy times will buoy them up. I pray that the sad times will make them stronger. I pray that I’ll have the wisdom and bravery to use examples from my own life to prepare them to do and be better than my husband and I have done.

I don’t want them to be as happy as Bobby and I are, even though it may seem to some that we’ve got it figured out. I want them to be happier. Stronger. Better. Even more loving.

My marriage is pretty great, and to be honest, I couldn’t and wouldn’t ask for anything more. But as most parents do, I want even more for my kids, and I am praying now that if God leads them into marriage, they will go into it with His full armor, and His heart for sacrificial love.

Happiness, after all, is a choice. As is marriage.

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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