You are beloved. You are called to follow Christ’s commands in His Word, not the standards set by someone else’s interpretation of it. And in His Word, throughout all of scripture, God cares for women, God redeems women, God grants them property and business success, and yes, husbands and children, too.
God created man and woman in His image, and they are joint heirs with Christ to God’s kingdom, if they accept His forgiveness from sin and follow Him.
I was a tattoo-less virgin when I married, but I did have some student loan debt. My husband saw only my heart, and it is my God who gave him the eyes to see me with. (P.S. his credit card debt he brought into our marriage made him no less attractive in my eyes.) My education has proved useful to me both in my career and in my time that I strictly stayed at home caring for our children (i.e. did not bring income into the family). The debt is long gone but my education will always be a part of me, and I’m grateful for it.
The Bible doesn’t say you have to choose your education/career or your family.
Jesus doesn’t say that. He also didn’t say,
[By going to college]They lost a handful of years of experience learning to cook large meals and learning how to work in the garden….The list goes on. Churches don’t talk about it. They support the college kids (really adults) and the ‘working’ mothers.
Lori Alexander and one of her readers said that. That is not from God. Like why would God not want the church to support working mothers? (Love the way she put the word working in quotes by the way. That wasn’t me, that was her. Condescending much?) Should churches punish and ostracize moms who have careers? Does that sound like loving your neighbor, the second greatest commandment?
I haven’t re-printed the rest of Alexander’s article. Feel free to go read it for yourself. It says, in the name of Christianity, that women should do a lot of other things that aren’t specifically in God’s commands. Did you get what I’m saying here? There’s not actually much talk about Christ in this article.
I just hope and pray that any women who have found this article when they were looking for Alexander’s will know that God loves you as you are. Pursue Christ in your singleness, your marriage, your motherhood, and your career or lack thereof. And if you are truly seeking Him and letting the Holy Spirit guide you, you will live a life that is true to HIS commands…and that is what truly matters.
Tattoos or no.