Parenthood Is Not One Size Fits All

Our world needs a little less comparison and a lot more compassion and encouragement.

To the mama who is feeling defeated because her children do not always appear “perfect,” I’m right there with you.

I think we need a little more real as we continue our parenting journeys.

Our children are not broken.

We are doing the best we can.

Let’s raise includers.

Let’s raise compassionate children.

Let’s raise children who are allowed to feel and be real rather than bottle up their emotions and put on a façade.

Let’s raise children whose parents never gave up on them.

Let’s raise children who know their parents loved them with every fiber of their being.

Love those big personalities your children have. I know they can make the world a better place.

They sure have changed my world and made it a better place.


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Lizzy Christian
Lizzy Christian
Hi, I'm Lizzy and I received my MA in Human Services Counseling - Crisis Response & Trauma from Liberty University’s Graduate School. I have a passion for watching my toddler explore the great outdoors, seeing my infant's toothy grin, running, my firefighter husband, Starbucks iced mochas, vacuuming too much, the Target dollar section, & writing from the heart. My hobbies include going to the bathroom alone and vacuuming mounds of crushed Cheerios spilled by my toddler.

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