This Cop Just Became a Stay at Home Dad, Tells Working Dads “Go Straight Home and Apologize”

Dustin Johnson is a 10-year veteran of his local police force and a Muay Thai fighter, but he just took on a whole new role that’s tougher than anything he’s ever faced: stay at home dad. Johnson, who began staying home with his preemie daughter, Ivy, in February, recently took to Facebook to express his undying admiration of stay-at-home moms who’ve been on the job 24/7 for years:

dustin johnson screen shot
He then added in the comments, JUST to make everything clear :“Professional Muay Thai fighter and 10 year veteran cop …absolutely beat down by fatherhood of a preemie.”

Well. This guy might just be my favorite person in the entire world (that I’m not married to and didn’t give birth too)!!! Way to give credit, Dustin! You are doing such important work in staying home with your little girl—which I am sure you already know.

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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