What I Know About the Las Vegas Mass Shooting

I know I need to say the things that have been left unsaid in my relationships.

I know I need to STOP taking my loved ones for granted.

I know I need to SEEK OUT that friend or family member I have been avoiding and make things right between us.

I know I need to DROP the grudges I hold an extend forgiveness.

I know I need to put my kids before my work.

I know I need to put my husband before any other human or obligation I feel beholden to.

I know I need to say “I love you” often and with abandon.

I know I need to tell others about Jesus while I still have breath in my body.

I know I need to pray without ceasing for the love of Christ to CHANGE LIVES and obliterate evil.

I know I need to pray for the victims who still live, and for the families of those who will never get the chance to do all the things I just mentioned above.

This is what I know about the Las Vegas mass shooting. And this is what you know, too.


My deepest, deepest condolences to those who are injured and to the families of those who lost their lives. Words cannot express what I feel for you. My heart has been crying out to God for you all morning, and it will continue. You are loved.

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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