I know Christmas is currently in the parental rear view mirror and the stores are filled with Easter basket items already, but indulge me if you will, for a minute. One of my struggles as a Christian parent has been to keep the Christmas STORY in the forefront of my kids’ hearts and minds without having them just look forward to PRESENTS all year long. I mean, nothing wrong with looking forward to presents, but I want them to remember and talk about Jesus’ BIRTH all year long — not so much what was in their stockings or packages on Christmas morning,
This past fall, I discovered a resource to help me do JUST that when I was asked to review The Star movie. We looove watching Christmas movies as a family; however one thing that was really missing from our holiday movie repertoire was a movie that told the actual Christmas story, the story of the first Christmas, the reason why we actually celebrate at all —Jesus’ birth. Well, I’ve got good news, parents! Thanks to The Star movie, which comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray today, I can finally say that void is filled— and in the most hilarious way that kids and parents alike will love.
Before I go any further, let me just say that after I reviewed this movie last November, I was sent The Star DVD in advance as a follow-up, but I’m not being paid in anyway for this review—these are just my actual, honest opinions. I had my expectations for the movie set fairly low because as a Christian I’m often skeptical when Hollywood takes on a Biblical story. I was a little worried about the story of Jesus’s birth being told in a non-factual way, being skewed, or even being blasphemed. After all. the story of Christ’s birth is something that is sacred and precious to all of us who follow Him. However I’m happy to say that my expectations were far, far exceeded.
What makes The Star movie exceptional is that it’s told from the point of view of the animals involved in the story. There’s Bo the donkey, whose back carried Mary and the unborn Christ child to Bethlehem. There are the wise men’s three hilarious camels (one of whom is portrayed by Tracy Morgan of SNL/30 Rock and nearly steals the show, he is SO funny!), and there are the animals in the stable where Jesus came to be born: inhuman witnesses to the most glorious mishmash of human and holy that has ever occurred.