To the Woman Waiting for Life to Get Easier

We understand and appreciate the seasons

In his wisdom, Solomon reminds us in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 that our lives will be full of seasons – times of laughter and dancing, times of building up, and times of peace. We love those, don’t we? But he also notes times of silence, war, and weeping.

He has a purpose for all of them; He uses it all.

Are we brave enough to allow Him, willingly – to acknowledge the season we are in, be it difficult and trying or abundant, and stand firmly in it with our arms wide open trusting that He can and will use it all for our good?

This right here, this is brave, friends.

We choose a stubborn gratitude, stubborn praise

I just love David’s heart throughout the Psalms – his honest hurt, frustration, lament, and continual praise. In chapter 59 he speaks of his enemies surrounding him and growling like dogs. What a picture, right? But he resolves stubbornly as he concludes the chapter.

“But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for you have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, my God of mercy. (Psalm 59:16-17)

Do you hear David bossing himself around here – bossing his mind, his heart, forcing praise?

Amidst growling dogs or thoughts of easier days, I want this to be my stubborn resolve – gratitude and praise to the One who is my strength.

We remember

Psalm 78 recounts the plight of the Israelites – their struggles, their complaining, and God’s provision. Again and again.

The Psalmist reminds us continually:

“…they refused to walk in His law and forgot his works.” (v.11)

“…They did not remember His power.” (v.42)

God provided for them again and again yet they failed to remember. And so do I.

Verse 41 of that same chapter says, “Yes, again and again, they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.”

In our failure to remember who God is, what He has promised, and what He has already done, we limit God.

Does that blow your mind like it does mine?

The temptation is real and I know it as much as anyone, friend. There are so many times I wish for easier days. I wish for easier moments and let my eyes drift ahead, down the road a bit to a time when kids or marriage or life might be easier.

But I don’t ever want to fail to see God in the here and now. I don’t want to limit the work He is doing in me amidst my mundane and messy. More than easier, I want renewed strength and stubborn praise here, now. I want to remember all He has done, believe in all He is doing, and fight to see Him in this very season.

So I’ll fix my heart to keep bravely asking for more of Him here. Today. Join me?


This piece originally appeared at, published with permission.

Katie Westenberg
Katie Westenberg
Katie Westenberg is a wife, mother to four, and author of the newly released book I Choose Brave: Embracing Holy Courage and Understanding Godly Fear. She enjoys writing, teaching and speaking Truth to women, and makes her home in the non-Seattle part of Washington State. 

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