100 Things I’d Rather Hold In My Hand Instead of My Phone

I check my phone too often. I’m finally admitting it.

It’s my alarm clock — because, you know, the Bed Time App wakes you up nice and slowly and I’m not ready to give that up yet. (In reality I should go buy a real, actual clock.)

I have been thinking a lot about habits recently, the good and the bad. There is scientific and psychological evidence to back this up — about how habits become ingrained into the core of our brains, whether they are good or bad, and we get to the point where we don’t have to think anymore, we just do. Good news: it’s possible to rewire these habits. Bad news: it takes a lot of effort — generally more effort than most people are willing to put in. (You can listen more about this from someone smarter than me, right here.)

So I’m working on ingraining exercising into my brain, and reading books on spiritual discipline, and going to bed earlier, and handing in my assignments a few hours before they’re due instead of a few minutes.

But in order to have time for these, I have to take time away from other things. Mainly, my iPhone.

Aliza Latta
Aliza Latta
Aliza Latta is a Canadian writer, journalist, and artist. She writes on her blog AlizaNaomi.com and creates hand lettered prints for her online shop esty.com/shop/choosebrave. She is a huge fan of both courage and ice cream.

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